Our Team's Research Publications
Our team's main objective is building a reliable modeling system to test the impact of deglobalization on the Great Lakes regional Food, Energy, and Water Systems, but reaching this objective has resulted in numerous fascinating studies and discoveries related to our study objectives, including ground-breaking work that will influence other modeling systems and similar projects. Here's a quick list of these outputs, much of it driven by an outstanding group of graduate students and post-doctoral researchers.
Book Chapters
Randall, Alan (2022). Property Rights, Common Law, and the Environment: Individualistic Solutions are Seldom Enough. Chapter 21 in Falque, M. (ed). Property Rights for Environmental Management and Liberty: Towards a reconciliation. Brussels : Editions Larcier
Randall, Alan (2021). Environmental Markets. Engineering and Ecosystems: Innovation and Sustainability by Seeking Synergies with Nature. Bhavik R. Bakshi and G Ziv. Springer (In Press).
Doidge M., Irwin E., Sintov N., Wilson R.S. (2020). Human Behavior and Adaptation. The Food-Energy-Water Nexus. AESS Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies and Sciences Series. Saundry P., Ruddell B.. Springer. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29914-9_4.
Journals or Juried Conference Papers
Heerman, Kari E.R. and Sheldon, Ian M. (2022). Sustainable agricultural production, income, and eco-labeling: What can be learned from a modern Ricardian approach? Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. DOI: 10.1002/aepp.13279.
Veisi, Hadi and Jackson-Smith, Douglas and Arrueta, Lordes (2022). Alignment of stakeholder and scientist understandings and expectations in a participatory modeling project. Environmental Science & Policy. 134: 57-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2022.04.004
Xue, Y. & Bakshi, B. R. (2022). Metrics for a Nature-Positive World: A Multiscale Approach for Absolute Environmental Sustainability Assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 846, 157373, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157373
Randall, A. (2022). How Strong Sustainability Became Safety. Sustainability 14 (8), 4578. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14084578
Cai, Yongyang (2021). The role of uncertainty in controlling climate change. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Oxford University Press.
Jackson-Smith, Douglas and Veisi, Hadi (2021). Media coverage of a pandemic's impacts on farmers and implications for agricultural resilience and adaptation. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 1-23. doi:https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2021.102.039.
Randall, Alan (2021). Monitoring Sustainability and Targeting Interventions: Indicators, Planetary Boundaries, Benefits and Costs. Sustainability. 13 (6) 3181. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/su13063181
Randall, Alan (2021). Resource Scarcity and Sustainability—The Shapes Have Shifted but the Stakes Keep Rising. Sustainability. 13(10) 5751. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/su13105751
Duc, Kien Nguyen and Ancev, Tiho and Randall, Alan (2021). Farmers' choices of climate-resilient strategies: Evidence from Vietnam. Journal of Cleaner Production. 317 (C) 128399. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128399
Chen, Yong and Irwin, Elena and Jayaprakash, Ciriyam and Park, Kyoung Jin (2021). An Agent Based Model of a Thinly Traded Land Market in an Urbanizing Region. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 24(2). doi:https://doi.org/10.18564/jasss.4518.
Lee, Kyuha and Khanal, Sami and Bakshi, Bhavik R. (2021). Techno-ecologically synergistic food–energy–water systems can meet human and ecosystem needs. Energy & Environmental Science. 14 (7) 3700 to 3716. doi:https://doi.org/10.1039/D1EE00843A
Kast, Jeffrey B. and Kalcic, Margaret and Wilson, Robyn and Jackson-Smith, Douglas and Breyfogle, Nicholas and Martin, Jay (2021). Evaluating the efficacy of targeting options for conservation practice adoption on watershed-scale phosphorus reductions. Water Research. 201 (C) 117375. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2021.117375
Adams, Benjamin M. and Vogler, Daniel and Kuehn, Thomas H. and Bielicki, Jeffrey M. and Garapati, Nagasree and Saar, Martin O. (2021). Heat depletion in sedimentary basins and its effect on the design and electric power output of CO2 Plume Geothermal (CPG) systems. Renewable Energy. 172 (C) 1393 to 1403. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2020.11.145
Kast, Jeffrey B. and Apostel, Anna M. and Kalcic, Margaret M. and Muenich, Rebecca L. and Dagnew, Awoke and Long, Colleen M. and Evenson, Grey and Martin, Jay F. (2021). Source contribution to phosphorus loads from the Maumee River watershed to Lake Erie. Journal of Environmental Management. 279 (C) 111803. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111803
Ogland-Hand, Jonathan D. and Bielicki, Jeffrey M. and Adams, Benjamin M. and Nelson, Ebony S. and Buscheck, Thomas A. and Saar, Martin O. and Sioshansi, Ramteen (2021). The value of CO2-Bulk energy storage with wind in transmission-constrained electric power systems. Energy Conversion and Management. 228 (C) 113548. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2020.113548
Liu, Hongxing and Zhang, Wendong and Irwin, Elena and Kast, Jeffrey and Aloysius, Noel and Martin, Jay and Kalcic, Margaret. (2020). Best Management Practices and Nutrient Reduction: An Integrated Economic-Hydrologic Model of the Western Lake Erie Basin. Land economics. 96 (4)
Fleming, Mark R. and Adams, Benjamin M. and Kuehn, Thomas H. and Bielicki, Jeffrey M. and Saar, Martin O. (2020). Increased Power Generation due to Exothermic Water Exsolution in CO2 Plume Geothermal (CPG) Power Plants. Geothermics. 88 (C) 101865. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2020.101865
Liu, Hongxing and Zhang, Wendong and Irwin, Elena and Kast, Jeffrey and Aloysius, Noel and Martin, Jay and Kalcic, Margaret. (2020). Best Management Practices and Nutrient Reduction: An Integrated Economic-Hydrologic Model of the Western Lake Erie Basin. Land economics. 96 (4).
Randall, Alan (2020). On Intergenerational Commitment, Weak Sustainability, and Safety. Sustainability. 12 (13) 5381. doi:10.3390/su12135381
Cai, Yongyang (2019). Computational methods in environmental and resource economics. Annual review of resource economics. 11 59 - 82.
Bielicki, J. and Beetstra, M. and Kast, J. and Wang, Y. and Tang, S. (2019). Stakeholder Perspectives on Sustainability in the Food-Energy-Water Nexus. Frontiers in environmental science. 7 (7) 1-18. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2019.00007
Conference Presentations / Papers
Irwin, Elena, Yongyang Cai, Brian Cultice, Ziqian Gong, Jeff Bielicki, Soo Min Chun, Ziyu Guo, Doug Jackson-Smith, MacKenzie Jones, Jay Martin, Alan Randall, Ian Sheldon. (2022) A Dynamic Regional Integrated Assessment Modeling Framework to Assess Economic, Land Use, and Water Quality Outcomes in the Great Lakes Region. Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Annual Meeting in Miami, Florida. June 1-3, 2022
Randall, Alan, MackKenzie Jones,Elena Irwin, Bhavik Bakshi, Ying Xue (2022). Weak and Strong Sustainability Assessment at Regional Scale – A Contribution to Regional Integrated Assessment Modeling with an Application to the Great Lakes Region. Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Annual Meeting in Miami, Florida. June 1-3, 2022
Ellis, A., C.D. Shaffer-Morrison, and Wilson, R.S. 2022. Economic and Behavioral Drivers of Conservation and Wind Energy Development in the Great Lakes: Survey Report. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University, School of Environment & Natural Resources.
Shaffer-Morrison, C.D., Wilson, R. (2022). Values, Identity, and Basic Needs Satisfaction as Motivators of Farmer Conservation Behavior. Annual meeting of the Soil and Water Conservation Society.
Y. Xue, B. R. Bakshi, Planetary Boundaries, Ecosystem Services, and Life Cycle Assessment– Novel Insight By a Case Study and Computational Framework, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, November 7-11, 2021, Boston, MA
Y. Xue, B. R. Bakshi, Quantifying Absolute Sustainability in LCA with Ecosystem Services and Planetary Boundaries: Comparison, Computation, and Case Study, American Council for Life Cycle Assessment, virtual conference, September 21-24, 2021
Kast, J. (2021). Simulating Impacts of Shifting Farmer Attitudes and Beliefs toward Agricultural Conservation on Water Quality. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
Kast, J. (2021). Simulating Water Quality Impacts of Changing Farmer Beliefs toward Agricultural Conservation. Annual Meeting of the American Ecological Engineering Society.
Irwin, E.G. (invited panelist) (2020). Downscaling sustainability theory and measurement to subnational regional scales. National Academies Panel on Measuring Progress toward Sustainable Development. Virtual Session.
Bielicki, J. (Presenter), Irwin, E., Bakshi, B., Cai, Y., Doidge, M., Jackson-Smith, D., Martin, J., Randall, A., Sheldon, I., Wilson, R. (2020). Evolutions in Food, Energy, and Water Systems at the Intersection of Sustainability and Trade. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Virtual Meeting.
Irwin, E.G. (Invited panelist) (2020). Gordon Rausser Keynote Panel on "Sustainability: the interface of food, agriculture, and the environment". AAEA Annual Meeting. Virtual Session.
Veisi, H. (Presenter): D. Jackson-Smith, J.M. Bielicki, E. Irwin, B. Bakshi, Y. Cai, J.F. Martin, A.J. Randall, I.M. Sheldon, R.S. Wilson. (2021). Integrating participatory and expert approaches to create future scenarios to assess dynamics of food-energy-water systems. International Association on Society and Natural Resources Annual Meeting. Virtual Meeting.
Bielicki, J., (Presenter), Irwin, E., Bakshi, B., Cai, Y., Doidge, M., Jackson-Smith, D., Martin, J., Randall, A., Sheldon, I., Wilson, R. (2020). Scenarios for the U.S. Great Lakes Region Using SSPs, Spatially Explicit Data, and Iterative Participatory Processes. 13th Annual Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium Annual Meeting. Virtual Meeting.
Cai, Y., Gong, Z., Guo, Z., Irwin, E., Randall, A., Sheldon, I. (2020). A dynamic regional economic model to evaluate impacts of deglobalizing forces on food, energy and water systems and the sustainability of the Great Lakes region. AAEA Annual Meeting. Virtual Session.
Irwin, E. (2020). Assessment of Progress: Integrated modeling of sustainable food, energy, and water systems from regional to global scales. AAEA Annual Meeting. Virtual Session.
Kast, J. (2020). Integrating Agricultural Decision-Making Factors into Watershed Modeling of the Western Lake Erie Basin to Assess the Impact of Targeting BMP Placements. June 2020 virtual poster symposium of the American Ecological Engineering Society. Virtual Session.
Kast, J. (2020). Targeting BMP Placement: Integrating Farmer Decision-Making Factors in Watershed Modeling of the Western Lake Erie Basin. July 2020 virtual meeting of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Virtual Session.
Randall, A. (2019) Validation of integrated assessment models – a methodological inquiry. Taiwan National Science Council distinguished lecture, National Chi-Nan University, Puli, TW, December 5, 2019.
Cai , Y., Cultice, B., Gong, Z., Guo, Z., Tang, S., Wang, Y., Bielicki, J., Randall, A., Sheldon, I., Irwin E. (2019). Dynamic Regional Economic Model for Food/Energy/Water System (DR FEWS). INFORMS Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA.
Liu, H., W. Zhang, E. Irwin, J. Kast, N. Aloysius, J. Martin, M. Kalkic. (2019). Economic Incentives for Best Management Practices and Downstream Water Quality: A Spatially Integrated Economic-Hydrological Model of the Lake Erie Water Basin. Workshop on Integrated Assessment Models and the Social Costs of Water Pollution. Cornell University.
Liu, H., W. Zhang, E. Irwin, J. Kast, N. Aloysius, J. Martin, M. Kalkic. (2019). Economic Incentives for Best Management Practices and Downstream Water Quality: A Spatially Integrated Economic-Hydrological Model of the Lake Erie Water Basin. Heartland Environmental and Resource Economics Workshop. Illinois.
Irwin, E. (2019). The Role of Economics and Integrated Modeling for Sustainability Science: Food-Energy-Water Model of the Great Lakes. Heartland Environmental and Resource Economics Workshop. University of Illinois.
K. Lee, S. Khanal, B. R. Bakshi (2019). Managing Technological and Ecological Systems in a Watershed While Considering the FEW Nexus, Ecological Carrying Capacity, and the Effects of Climate Change. AIChE Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL.
Irwin, E. (2019). Healthy Land-Water Systems: Water Quality, Economics, and Human Behavior. CFAES Annual Research Conference. The Ohio State University.
Bielicki, J ., Irwin, E., Bakshi, B., Cai, Y., Doidge, M., Jackson-Smith, D., Martin, J., Randall, A., Sheldon, I., Wilson, R. (2019). Food, Energy, and Water: Resilience and the Governance in Multi-Scale, Multi-Region, Multi-Actor Settings. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Irwin, E. (2019). An Integrated Economic-Hydrological Model of the Western Lake Erie Basin. Invited Seminar. Resource Economics and Management Department, Davis College of Agriculture. West Virginia University.
Arrueta, L. and D. Jackson-Smith (2019). Reconciling Different Conceptions of Stakeholder Engagement in Large Regional Integrated Food-Energy-Water Systems (FEWS) projects. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. June 4, 2019. Oshkosh, WI.
Cai, Y., Cultice, B., Gong, Z., Guo, Z., Tang, S., Wang, Y., Bielicki, J., Randall, A., Sheldon, I., Irwin E. (2019). DRFEWS Modeling Framework. CFAES Annual Research Conference, Columbus, April 2019.
Lui, Hongxing, Wendong Zhang, Elena G. Irwin, Noel Aloysius, Jay Martin (2019). Payment for Best Management Practices and Downstream Water Quality: A Spatially Integrated Economic-Hydrological Model of the Lake Erie Water Basin. Workshop on Integrated Assessment Models and the Social Costs of Water Pollution, Cornell University, David R. Atkinson Center, Ithaca, NY, April 3-5, 2019
Bielicki, J., Irwin, E. Bakshi, B., Cai, Y., Jackson-Smith, D., Martin, J., Randall, A. Sheldon, I. Wilson, R. Doidge, M., Beetstra, M., Chun, S., Cultice, B. Gong, Z., Guo, Z., Kast, J. Tang, S., Wang, Y.*, Pottschmidt, A.*, Dora de Melo, D.* (2019). Scenarios and their Construction for Investigating the Effects of Trade Barriers on the Sustainability of Food, Energy, and Water Systems in the U.S. Midwest. Scenarios Forum. University of Denver. Denver, CO. March 11-13, 2019.
Bielicki, J., Irwin, E. Bakshi, B., Cai, Y., Jackson-Smith, D., Martin, J., Randall, A. Sheldon, I. Wilson, R. Doidge, M., Beetstra, M., Chun, S., Cultice, B. Gong, Z., Guo, Z., Kast, J. Tang, S., Wang, Y. (2018). The Dynamic Regional Food, Energy, Water Systems Framework for Investigating Effects of Deglobalization. GC52B-06. American Geophysical Union. Fall Meeting Washington DC. December 14, 2018.
Randall, A. (2018) Optimal, Sustainable and Safe – The Sweet Spot?, keynote address, Taiwan Association of Agricultural Economists, Taipei, TW, December 8, 2018.
Randall, A. (2018) If we have Optimality and Sustainability, what does Safety add?, Taiwan National Science Council distinguished lecture, National Chung-Hsing University, Tai-Chung, TW, December 6, 2018.
Cai, Y., Tang, S., Cultice, B., Wang, Y., Bielicki, J., Randall, A., Sheldon, I., Irwin E. (2018). DRFEWS: A Dynamic Regional Food, Energy, Water Systems Modeling Framework. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, November 2018.
Martin, Jay, Margaret Kalcic, Noel Aloysius, Anna Apostel, Jeffrey Kast, Haley Kujawa, Richard Becker, Chelsie Boles, Rem Confessor, Tian Guo, Colleen Long, Rebecca Longsdon Muenich,Todd Redder, Dale Robertson, Don Scavia, Awoke Teshager, Yu-Chen Wang (2018). Evaluating Management Options to Reduce Lake Erie’s Harmful Algal Blooms with Watershed Models and Stakeholder Input. 2018 ASABE Conference. Detroit, MI
Also presented at the IAGLR 2018 Conference on Great Lakes Research. Toronto, CN.
Jeffrey Kast, Jay Martin, Margaret Kalcic, Anna Apostel, Haley Kujawa, Colleen Long, Rebecca Logsdon Muenich, Awoke Teshager (2018). Evaluating the Importance of Manure Management on Lake Erie’s Water Quality: Data-Driven Manure Production and Application in SWAT. 2018 ASABE Conference. Detroit, MI.
Jeffrey Kast, Jay Martin (2018). Manure management in the Maumee River watershed: How do intentions align with actions? American Ecological Engineering Society Annual Meeting. June 13, 2018. Houston, TX.