Handy List of Acronymns
Feel like you’re drowning in a sea of alphabet soup? Here’s a list of common acronyms and abbreviations used in our DRFEWS disciplines. Read more.
View our update videos that explain how specific pieces of the project are coming together. Our 2018 video series explaining the DRFEWS main objectives is also archived here. Videos are 8 minutes or less and explained in simple language. See video list.
Our Team's Research Publications
Our team's main objective is building a reliable modeling system to test the impact of deglobalization on the Great Lakes regional Food, Energy, and Water Systems, but reaching this objective has resulted in numerous fascinating studies and discoveries related to our study objectives, including ground-breaking work that will influence other modeling systems and similar projects. Here's a quick list of these outputs, much of it driven by an outstanding group of graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. Read more.